Fr. Greg's Notes
Dear Friends,
The great figure that comes onto our Christmas scene this week is St. John the Baptist. John is content at not being the promised one and not being the center of attention. He is content with the role of preparing for Jesus. He challenges people to prepare for the Messiah in their own way. Likewise, we are challenged to prepare for Christmas and each of us does this in a different way.
There are some common things in our preparation: stop thinking about yourself, don’t gossip, and be satisfied.
Let us pray that we learn to be grateful, to count our blessings, and to be satisfied and content with all that has been given. Let us pray we may continue to learn how to express gratitude not only to God but to all those family and friends and those who are gifts from God in our life. Let us pray that we can just not be content and satisfied but to grow in our gratitude and have a joyous Christmas.
Fr. Greg
Mass Schedule
Wednesday, 8:00 am Mass - St. Genevieve Church - Centerville
Saturday - 4:30 pm - Parish Community Center (live streamed*)
Sunday - 8:30 am - St. John's Site
- 10:30 am - Parish Community Center - Centerville
Christmas Eve - 4:00 pm St. John's Site
Christmas Eve - 4:00 pm Parish Community Center (Children's Pageant)
Christmas Day - 8:30 am St. John's Site
Christmas Day - 10:30 am Parish Community Center
*By attending a live streamed Mass you agree to be filmed.
We are unable to give Holy Communion on the tongue at this time.
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Friday, December 27
11am - 5pm
Online appointments only
Yoga Devotion
Next session is Jan. 6 - Feb. 24
5-6:00pm $88
Register online.
Feed My Starving Children
Wednesday, January 22
Coon Rapids
Please register by January 9.
St. Andrew's Family Shelter
Our next hosting week is February 9-15.
Family Faith Event
Monthly Video Message
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Contact Us
Parish Office
7087 Goiffon Rd Centerville 55038
Office Hours: 8:00-3:00 Monday
8:00-4:00 Tuesday-Thursday
8:00-11:00 Friday
prayer chain:
Reconciliation -3:30 pm Saturdays St. Genevieve Church
or by appointment 651.429.7937
no Reconciliation on January 25 or February 1.
Faith Formation Center (FFC)
651.426.1818 1664 Heritage St Centerville
Parish Community Center (PCC) & Hospitality Hall (HH)
6995 Centerville Rd Centerville
St. Genevieve Church (StG)
1683 Sorel St Centerville
St. John's Site (StJ) & Fortin Hall (FH)
14363 Forest Blvd N Hugo