


The Church of St. Genevieve's was founded as a parish of the Archdiocese of St. Paul in 1853. 

As disciples of Jesus Christ, parishioners are called to worship God, to participate in life-long faith formation and to serve God in our communities.

St Genevieve Church

Fr. Greg's Notes

Dear Friends,

As I was preparing to leave as pastor of St. Richard’s, a parishioner came up to me and asked, “Do you know how much you are loved?” 

Do you know how much God loves you?  There’s nothing you can do about it--God’s love is unconditional.  The greatest evil today is to get people to think that God’s love is conditional.  That is not how God loves.  You do not need to prove yourself before God loves you.  No matter what troubles you are going through, God loves you.

If you are struggling, you are in good company.  You are in company with our Lord, Jesus Christ, who struggled with temptation, who struggled with false promises, who struggled with knowing who to believe and who to trust.  The last line of today’s gospel (Luke 4:1-13) is one of the most ominous lines in scripture.  “When the devil had finished every temptation, he departed from him for a time.”  Don’t ever write off the hour of evil.  Don’t think you are beyond being tempted.  Even Jesus was tempted. 

Stayed tuned.  Jesus is not done dealing with evil.  Jesus is not done dealing with temptation and the conditionality of his father’s love.  How about you?  Do you believe in God’s unconditional love for you?  Or do you believe in God’s love if….

God loves you not because you are good, God loves you because God is good.

Fr. Greg

Mass Schedule

Wednesday, 8:00 am Mass - St. Genevieve Church - Centerville
Saturday - 4:30 pm - Parish Community Center (live streamed*)
Sunday - 8:30 am - St. John's Site
             - 10:30 am - Parish Community Center - Centerville

*By attending a live streamed Mass you agree to be filmed. 
We are unable to give Holy Communion on the tongue at this time.


7 Themes of Catholic Social Teachings

Community Events


Men's Club Fish Fry
March 14, 21, 28
April 4, 11
Serving 4:30-7:30
Adults $14;
Seniors (60+) $11
Juniors (6-12) $9;
Child (under 5) free


St. Andrew's Family Shelter
Hosting Week:  March 30-April 5
Volunteer today at this link.

Let us bring Jesus’ love and comfort by serving those who need his grace. Through our Catholic Services Appeal, we can be Christ for others. Please consider supporting this life-affirming initiative today.

Scan the QR code to donate today.

Or use this link.


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Contact Us

Parish Office
7087 Goiffon Rd Centerville 55038
Office Hours:  8:00-3:00 Monday
8:00-4:00 Tuesday-Thursday

8:00-11:00 Friday

prayer chain:  prayer@stgens.org

Reconciliation -3:30 pm Saturdays St. Genevieve Church
or by appointment 651.429.7937

Faith Formation Center (FFC)
651.426.1818      1664 Heritage St Centerville

Parish Community Center (PCC) & Hospitality Hall (HH)
6995 Centerville Rd Centerville

St. Genevieve Church (StG)
1683 Sorel St Centerville

St. John's Site (StJ) & Fortin Hall (FH)
14363 Forest Blvd N Hugo